The rains are well and truly here, strong downpours daily.
Bali is open to internal travellers, but the international airport is still closed. People can come to Indonesia if they have an appropriate visa. We are sponsoring business visas for investors and potential investors through TraceWorthy Consulting. However, for the first fourteen days of January all arrivals are cancelled. We will see what the situation is after that.
There is no lockdown here in Bali; and many Indonesian people flout covid social distancing and hygiene rules, especially away from the city centers. This is probably because they cannot afford to follow the rules and continue to work in crowded environments. Despite reports of numerous cases and deaths, there is little evidence of coronavirus in everyday life, which continues as normal. It is different in the tourist areas where real poverty is evident.
We are redoing our land titles, which, to date, have been done according to village traditional law. We are adding land use agreements in accordance with Indonesian regulations and international standards. The villagers don't understand the need but are happy to help.
The financial accounts will be ready for audit shortly, and we aim to call the AGM at the end of January. For those who cannot attend, we shall send limited powers of attorney to be signed and returned.
The website is working well. We are busy adding content and we already have a number of strong enquiries.
While we are not as comfortable as we could be, we have two months’ budget in the bank and numerous investment enquiries at various stages. We have taken on TraceWorthy Consulting to better administer the accounts and to establish transparent systems, especially in the use of incoming investor funds.
We have about five hundred vines in gardens 2, 3 and 4 that are old enough to begin flowering. Of these, 74 are already in flower. While the number of flowering vines is disappointing, we did not expect much of a crop at this stage of development. The really good news is that, despite the huge rainfall, we have no problems with fusarium fungus. This shows that our precautions are effective. A good challenge.
Newer gardens are being planted. We are experiencing a delay on garden 14 because the landowner has numerous land certificates, and they cannot decide which is the correct one. We are not starting to prepare the land until this is sorted.
We have verbal agreement to move into Tabanan, but we are still to sign the contract and still to select the land.
Diego had a problem with another fungal infection wiping out his Calli, so the new seedling production is delayed. We are still producing seedlings in the old manner.
We expect to sign the contract and start on Garden 14.
We shall plan the work in Tabanan and complete the land contracts.
Next real bit of progress will be in February when Rex plans to visit Kalimantan to explore other investment opportunities.
Royal Spice Gardens is an Indonesian Foreign Investment Company, in Indonesia known as a Perusahaan Modal Asing (PMA).
NIB Licence number 0220100502286. NPWP: 94.830.504.0- 905.000.
PT Royal Spice Gardens Indonesia, Jl. Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra, Jl. Pantai Saba No. 999 x No. Perempatan, Saba, Blahbatuh, Gianyar, Bali 80581 Indonesia
Website by Simia Solutions / Cre8 Design Studio
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