Welcome from Bali. We have a new series of laws, the Omnibus, and the consequences are not apparent. We are promised this makes it easier to invest in Indonesia. This isn't completely clear, though apparently it is easier to open a bank account. Nevertheless, this has already caused riots in Java from locals who fear the poor wages foreigners usually pay.
Otherwise, life continues as normal. Mask wearing is universal where there are police to enforce the fine, almost non existent elsewhere, certainly not in the rural villages. Despite reports of Covid mortalities, disbelief is growing throughout the country because there is no first hand evidence.
Work permit applications are going in, all licenses are approved and we plan to amend the articles of association in two weeks to include the new shareholders.
We expect the website launch very soon. This is targeted at investors, which may be moot soon...
We sold nearly a thousand shares in November as we closed the free garden promotion. Sales are now being conducted by JSG Consultants. We have agreed a deal to sell bonds starting in December. More details when the ink is dry on the contract, but it is a good deal for the company and should look after our short term finance needs should there be any allowing in take up of shares.
We are in early stages of negotiation to establish a wealth fund in Singapore which will buy shares in us as required. This fund will be registered with the Singapore Financial Authorities, giving us stronger legitimacy than available in Indonesia. Should this be successful, it will give us all the funding we need for the foreseeable future.
We will have enough money to buy green pods from farmers to process into finished vanilla, which will allow is to come into profit as early as the year after next. So we now have three routes to finance. We shall continue to sell shares, it's just the bonus which has stopped because we don't need it anymore.
The flowers in Gardens 2,3 & 4 are coming in slowly. I twitch that there are not enough, and Dadap laughs at me, tells me to be patient. They will flower between now and February, the more spread out the better. If they all bloomed at once, we wouldn't be able to pollinate or harvest without a huge expense in manpower and training.
Gardens 11,12 and 13 are advancing rapidly. 11 is waiting for the Gamal to give enough shade to plant the vanilla. 12 has half the cocopeat in and the Gamal stakes follow. 13 is waiting its turn.
The crop is curing, going well. Supply of vanilla plants coming soon.
We have created this new division, modelled on the successful New Zealand plan, in response to an interesting request.
“Rex, how can I stay and live in Bali?”“You need a visa. Invest $75,000 and we'll get you an Investors Visa, allows you to live here.”
“But I want to work, I want a job.”
“We have plenty of New divisions opening. Invest enough to start off a division and we’ll give you a job.”
“Which division and what wage?”
“We've got a bit of a choice, just a question of bringing one from the back burner. Agarwood, cashews, bio diesel, bananas, fruit juice, fresh fruit, rubbish treatment. Salary would be 10% of your investment plus a profit share bonus.
We can provide you with a plantation which we will manage for you."
The focus stays on getting gardens 11,12 and 13 ready. We should be able to start planting garden 11 this month, 12 next month.
We shall identify the next garden, which we shall rent rather than give the landlord 20% as this is more beneficial to us.
Next month
The focus stays on getting gardens 11,12 and 13 ready. We should be able to start planting garden 11 this month, 12 next month.
We shall identify the next garden, which we shall rent rather than give the landlord 20% as this is more beneficial to us.
We may just is a host delegation from Tabanan seeking to learn our secrets, which we shall pass on in return for first right to their vanilla. We shall do the processing.
We have assisted the Raja Anom of Tabanan on his quest to become Bupati, or Regent. If he succeeds, we shall have opportunities. We are exploring a number of opportunities with Asia Global, all at early stages.
Royal Spice Gardens is an Indonesian Foreign Investment Company, in Indonesia known as a Perusahaan Modal Asing (PMA).
NIB Licence number 0220100502286. NPWP: 94.830.504.0- 905.000.
PT Royal Spice Gardens Indonesia, Jl. Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra, Jl. Pantai Saba No. 999 x No. Perempatan, Saba, Blahbatuh, Gianyar, Bali 80581 Indonesia
Website by Simia Solutions / Cre8 Design Studio
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